The world through the UN lens: ITC young professionals on mission When we mix youth, trade, and travel together, we end up with ITC young professionals on mission By Amalia Mkhitarian | INSIDE VIEW | 1 November 2021
Rwanda, a leading force in Africa H.E. Marie-Chantal Rwakazina serves as both Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the UN in Geneva and as Ambassador in Switzerland By Catherine Fiankan-Bokonga | DIPLOMACY | 1 November 2021
In the name of the father Son of Charles and Oona. Son of a global artistic legacy. Father of his own talent and career: Eugene Chaplin By Julián Ginzo | CULTURE | 1 November 2021
Securing management and administrative efficiency We interviewed Jorge Flores Callejas, Inspector and Chair of the Joint Inspection Unit at the UN By Prisca Chaoui | 3 QUESTIONS | 30 September 2021
My skills and my value in the private sector Transitioning to private sector employment seems daunting but it doesn’t have to be... By Michael O'Neil | FOCUS ON | 1 September 2021
It is time to move forward in my career! Time passes and you feel stuck in your current job. You want to do something different and move your career forward. You are not sure where you want to go By Verónica De la Fuente | FOCUS ON | 1 September 2021
Le MEG, un musée en pleine evolution Désireux de s’adapter aux besoins de son public, le Musée d’Ethnographie de Genève redéfinit son identité de façon décoloniale, inclusive et durable By Anna Bonvin | CULTURE | 1 September 2021
The art of harmonising varied economies We met with Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. A quick snapshot of her priorities By Julián Ginzo | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 September 2021
A new face for the Division of Conference Management at UNOG Ms. Kira Kruglikova shares her priorities and insights into the future of the Division By Garry Mullender | INSIDE VIEW | 1 September 2021