Articles by author: Laura Penn

Articles by author:

Laura Penn

The secret formula behind the best talks: delivery rehearsal

Leadership speaking is a performing art and just like theater, dance and music, there is an intrinsic formula behind every performance. This secret blueprint is the key to creating high quality content, which is performed with a memorable delivery. In this article, I...

The secret formula behind the best talks: content creation

Just like theater, dance and music, leadership speaking is a performing art, and as such, there is an intrinsic formula for how to create and deliver each speaking performance. In this article, I want to pull back the curtain to reveal the secret blueprint behind the...

Communication skills every leader of the digital age must know

Since the dawn of the digital age, the options for how to communicate with others and share messages, news and information, have grown exponentially. From a legion of social media outlets, to a wide selection of different online meeting rooms, to ever-evolving digital...

Embodied communication: a recipe for authentic connection

Human beings are complex communication machines designed to connect to each other. From our five senses, to our 43 facial muscles, to the thousands of microgestures that indicate our moods, personalities and opinions, we are built for communication. This ability to...

When speaking, paint the picture, not just the frame

We are living through a period of unprecedented transformation and change at the moment, the likes of which humanity has never seen before. From the health of the planet, to social disruption, to geo-political unrest, we are at a tipping point. When it comes to how we...

Serve your audience, not yourself

In the seven decades since its creation, the United Nations has been in service to humanity, working on the frontline of conflict resolution, peacekeeping, and a wide variety of other pursuits which help to improve people’s lives around the world. My invitation to you...

Virtual meetings are here to stay: It’s time to professionalize

I just finished yet another virtual meeting where the experience left me feeling numb, deflated, and unfulfilled. Sound familiar? The pandemic started more than a year ago, yet I ask myself, why haven’t more people upgraded and elevated how they speak online by now?...

Making the world a better place, one speech at a time

It’s time to disrupt the status quo for how we speak in public. We are living through a period of great change and our existing model of speaking in front of audiences is outdated. It represents a standard of speaking that deactivates, instead of activates; that is a...

Making Herstory: How Powerful Women Speak in Public

We are living in the golden age of female empowerment. Never before have so many women around the world been in positions of power as now. Everywhere we turn, we see more and more women in leadership roles taking center stage and making ‘herstory’. Our time has...
