From peacekeeping to academia

Dr. Sally Anne Corcoran served the UN from 1994 to 2011 in the human rights, political, legal and gender areas. An Irish Research Council Scholar, she received her PhD in Law from the University of Galway in 2022. Her book Gender Equality in UN Peacekeeping Fact or...

Expect the unexpected

What inspired you to become an author after such successful military and UN careers? My first four years of UN civil service were intense, beginning in late 1999. I served initially as the Chief Security Officer for UNAMSIL, the peacekeeping mission in Sierra Leone in...

On the front line of conflict

After a long career at the UN, Ute Kollies, former Head of Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), divulges some of her expertise and knowledge about the field, and her career which saw her become Deputy Regional Director for West Africa and Head...

UN Memories: Why I founded the International Gender Champions

From 2013 to 2019, Michael Møller served as the 12th Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva. During his time in office, he co-founded the International Gender Champions, a leadership network bringing together international decision-makers to break...

Leaving a legacy of empowerment

Jo Butler’s career has been nothing short of inspirational, working at various UN organizations at many levels. She was the legal adviser for the first ever Climate Change treaty signed in Rio de Janeiro at the Earth Summit in 1992 and provided legal advice to the...

Lost in interpretation

During my long career as a UN interpreter, which has spanned nearly four decades, I have had the distinct privilege of witnessing some truly historic moments. It was also full of many unexpected events, some of which were quite funny in retrospect. A particularly...

L’appel du village

“C’était un homme exceptionnel auquel je voue une admiration sans faille, dont le parcours et les valeurs me servent de boussole”, s’exclame Odile. Né vers 1920, Mathias Sorgho grandit à Moaga, un village du Burkina Faso à 200km de la capitale, Ouagadougou. Fils du...

My work helping child soldiers return to their families

The tragic case of Liberian child soldiers When it comes to human rights violations witnessed by UN staff members, few are as blatant as those committed against children. The Liberian Civil War, which began in 1989, was a particularly horrific example of this, as...

La protection des réfugiés, le combat d’une vie

Sur le terrain, à Genève comme à New York, Mbaidjol a consacré sa vie professionnelle à la défense des droits de l’homme et des réfugiés. Les sourires d’une famille qui vient d’obtenir le statut de réfugié ou de l’étudiant qui peut enfin s’inscrire à l’université dans...


From peacekeeping to academia

Dr. Sally Anne Corcoran served the UN from 1994 to 2011 in the human rights, political, legal and gender areas. An Irish Research Council Scholar, she received her PhD in Law from the University of Galway in 2022. Her book Gender Equality in UN Peacekeeping Fact or...

Expect the unexpected

What inspired you to become an author after such successful military and UN careers? My first four years of UN civil service were intense, beginning in late 1999. I served initially as the Chief Security Officer for UNAMSIL, the peacekeeping mission in Sierra Leone in...

On the front line of conflict

After a long career at the UN, Ute Kollies, former Head of Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), divulges some of her expertise and knowledge about the field, and her career which saw her become Deputy Regional Director for West Africa and Head...

UN Memories: Why I founded the International Gender Champions

From 2013 to 2019, Michael Møller served as the 12th Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva. During his time in office, he co-founded the International Gender Champions, a leadership network bringing together international decision-makers to break...

Leaving a legacy of empowerment

Jo Butler’s career has been nothing short of inspirational, working at various UN organizations at many levels. She was the legal adviser for the first ever Climate Change treaty signed in Rio de Janeiro at the Earth Summit in 1992 and provided legal advice to the...

Lost in interpretation

During my long career as a UN interpreter, which has spanned nearly four decades, I have had the distinct privilege of witnessing some truly historic moments. It was also full of many unexpected events, some of which were quite funny in retrospect. A particularly...

L’appel du village

“C’était un homme exceptionnel auquel je voue une admiration sans faille, dont le parcours et les valeurs me servent de boussole”, s’exclame Odile. Né vers 1920, Mathias Sorgho grandit à Moaga, un village du Burkina Faso à 200km de la capitale, Ouagadougou. Fils du...

My work helping child soldiers return to their families

The tragic case of Liberian child soldiers When it comes to human rights violations witnessed by UN staff members, few are as blatant as those committed against children. The Liberian Civil War, which began in 1989, was a particularly horrific example of this, as...

La protection des réfugiés, le combat d’une vie

Sur le terrain, à Genève comme à New York, Mbaidjol a consacré sa vie professionnelle à la défense des droits de l’homme et des réfugiés. Les sourires d’une famille qui vient d’obtenir le statut de réfugié ou de l’étudiant qui peut enfin s’inscrire à l’université dans...

Une échappée belle dans la ville éternelle

J’ étais tranquille chez moi. Le téléphone sonne. Demain matin, vous partez en Italie en voyage officiel avec le Secrétaire Général.. Cet appel émanant du chef de cabinet me surprend d’autant plus qu’étant, à cette époque, en charge des relations avec les...
