Nature’s pharmacy: how plants heal us from within

Plants are a source of powerful natural medicine, offering humanity a vast array of compounds that can solve 100% of its healthcare needs. They serve as a vital lifeline to human existence on Earth, fulfilling crucial roles in our survival. They not only provide...

Attention au Takotsubo ou syndrome du cœur brisé

Le syndrome du cœur brisé, ou cardiomyopathie, est une affection cardiaque temporaire qui touche 9 femmes pour 1 homme. Il provoque une contraction anormale du muscle cardiaque et altère la circulation sanguine. Les symptômes sont similaires à ceux d’une crise...

Quit, and get fit!

To your knowledge, which of these statements is true? • Tobacco kills up to half of its users. • Around 1.2 million deaths a year are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. • Every year the tobacco industry costs the world more than 600 million...

English-speaking cancer support across Switzerland

Facing cancer, whether your own or that of a loved one, turns your life upside down. When that happens in a foreign country, where systems and the language can be unfamiliar and you may be away from some of your closest support networks, it can be additionally...

The story of a stroke

An interview with the new Chief Medical Officer at UNOG, Dr. Gloria Dal Forno and Medical Officer at UNOG, Dr. Elizabeth Kubbinga, provides an overview on stroke, its impact on daily life and its prevention, as part of addressing and promoting Sustainable Development...

As the flu season begins, those at high risk should get vaccinated

2023 marks the 105th anniversary of the 1918 Great Influenza pandemic, a devastating event where over a quarter of the world’s population was infected and as many as 50 million people died. Influenza pandemics are a serious and ever present threat, and the next one...

Protecting body and mind in emergencies

In large-scale emergencies, such as the Türkiye-Syria earthquake, mental health has become a recognized priority for humanitarian agencies and first responders. As the lead health agency, alongside governments and NGOs, WHO assesses needs and plans for the...

L’EMDR a le vent en poupe

Pour Lamyae Benzakour, médecin adjointe responsable de l’unité de psychiatrie de liaison et de la consultation de psychotraumatologie au sein du Service de Psychiatrie de liaison et d’intervention de crise aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, il est essentiel de...


Nature’s pharmacy: how plants heal us from within

Plants are a source of powerful natural medicine, offering humanity a vast array of compounds that can solve 100% of its healthcare needs. They serve as a vital lifeline to human existence on Earth, fulfilling crucial roles in our survival. They not only provide...

Attention au Takotsubo ou syndrome du cœur brisé

Le syndrome du cœur brisé, ou cardiomyopathie, est une affection cardiaque temporaire qui touche 9 femmes pour 1 homme. Il provoque une contraction anormale du muscle cardiaque et altère la circulation sanguine. Les symptômes sont similaires à ceux d’une crise...

Quit, and get fit!

To your knowledge, which of these statements is true? • Tobacco kills up to half of its users. • Around 1.2 million deaths a year are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke. • Every year the tobacco industry costs the world more than 600 million...

English-speaking cancer support across Switzerland

Facing cancer, whether your own or that of a loved one, turns your life upside down. When that happens in a foreign country, where systems and the language can be unfamiliar and you may be away from some of your closest support networks, it can be additionally...

The story of a stroke

An interview with the new Chief Medical Officer at UNOG, Dr. Gloria Dal Forno and Medical Officer at UNOG, Dr. Elizabeth Kubbinga, provides an overview on stroke, its impact on daily life and its prevention, as part of addressing and promoting Sustainable Development...

As the flu season begins, those at high risk should get vaccinated

2023 marks the 105th anniversary of the 1918 Great Influenza pandemic, a devastating event where over a quarter of the world’s population was infected and as many as 50 million people died. Influenza pandemics are a serious and ever present threat, and the next one...

Protecting body and mind in emergencies

In large-scale emergencies, such as the Türkiye-Syria earthquake, mental health has become a recognized priority for humanitarian agencies and first responders. As the lead health agency, alongside governments and NGOs, WHO assesses needs and plans for the...

L’EMDR a le vent en poupe

Pour Lamyae Benzakour, médecin adjointe responsable de l’unité de psychiatrie de liaison et de la consultation de psychotraumatologie au sein du Service de Psychiatrie de liaison et d’intervention de crise aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, il est essentiel de...

Recrudescence de la tuberculose

La tuberculose affecte près d’un quart de la population mondiale et tue chaque année environ 1,4 million de personnes. Pneumologue, responsable de la consultation de tuberculose au CHUV de Lausanne, médecin conseil à la Ligue pulmonaire vaudoise, Jesica Mazza-Stalder...
