Packaging done right: open recycling data A world with zero waste, where all used packaging can easily be returned for recycling – this is the vision that stimulated the Geneva impACTs initiative By Adrian Sameli and Charlotte Horder | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 November 2021
Genève, championne de l’économie durable Nous nous sommes entretenus avec Fabienne Fischer, Conseillère d’État à la tête du Département de l’économie et de l’emploi à Genève By Julián Ginzo | FOCUS ON | 1 November 2021
Laurent Jimaja, premier maire suisse d’origine africaine Au sortir de l’aéroport, de nombreuses personnes ignorent qu’elles foulent les terres du Grand-Saconnex dirigées par un homme au parcours atypique By Catherine Fiankan-Bokonga | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 November 2021
UNDT and UNAT: Defining the role Does the UN internal justice system function as a fair judicial system? Or is it part of a process leading to a final decision by the SG? By Rowan Downing | INSIDE VIEW | 1 November 2021
A 20-year plan. Doable? We interviewed Virginie Helias, Chief Sustainability Officer of Procter & Gamble By Julián Ginzo | FOCUS ON | 1 November 2021
Sustainability attitude at Manor Customers are strongly supportive of sustainable and socially responsible activities By Shahrzad Saffari | LIFESTYLE | 1 November 2021
Can civil society mobilisation shape the agenda at the local, national and global levels? Highlights of Greycells’ intergenerational dialogue 2021 By Manuela Tortora | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 November 2021
Platitudes and PR: or hope for humanity? Lately we are seeing an unprecedented global focus on the SDGs, Climate Change and Sustainability – will it bring the systemic change required? By Michael Stopford | FOCUS ON | 1 November 2021
Rwanda, a leading force in Africa H.E. Marie-Chantal Rwakazina serves as both Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the UN in Geneva and as Ambassador in Switzerland By Catherine Fiankan-Bokonga | DIPLOMACY | 1 November 2021