Rethinking cities in the COVID-19 recovery

From surviving to thriving For months, the soul of Geneva was hardly recognisable. The pandemic changed the character of cities – and with it our definition of normal. But how are cities bouncing back and shaping a ‘better normal’? Geneva, the multilateral centre,...

Sustainable Fashion: Walking the Talk

85 % of textiles end up in landfills or are incinerated, with most of these materials suitable for reuse. I have always had a keen interest in making fashion sustainable. It started as a teenager designing my own clothes and has stayed with me through my professional...

La deuxième main, c’est du premier choix

De nouveaux modes de consommation de la mode font du deuxième main une option moderne et engagée pour un shopping éthique sans modération. Sous diverses formes et depuis plusieurs années déjà, les rangs de la résistance à la « fast fashion » [Fast fashion : segment de...

The future of work in fashion

Investing in inclusive and sustainable supply chains  The future of work in the fashion industry looks increasingly uncertain: can we make it more sustainable and inclusive? Clothing is the ultimate expression of fashion. The garment industry and its supply...

The ABC for a conscious consumer

Being a conscious consumer isn’t easy. The fashion industry is not particularly praised for transparent practices, which is why we have curated for you the following tips and tricks on what to consider before you shop. Buy less, much less. Most of the time, you do not...

Fashion can build back better after COVID19

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, United Nations member States, supported by the UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion, can build back better the global fashion industry, turning it from a social, economic and environmental concern to a driver for achieving...


Capturing the human stories behind humanitarian assistance

For as long as I can remember, I had a passion for visual creativity. As a kid, I struggled with painting or drawing but I always enjoyed being able to show others the things that I see.The coolest job at the organisation My name is Muse Mohammed and I am the...

Rencontre avec un homme au service des plus vulnérables

Onzième Haut-Commissaire en charge des réfugiés, Filippo Grandi a eu la lourde tâche de succéder à l’actuel Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Antonio Guterres. Depuis le début de son mandat le diplomate italien doit non seulement gérer des situations relatives à...

A New Paradigm: Living in Geneva in Pandemic Times

Because of the Coronavirus global health crisis, we now behave differently. Coping with all these changes can be stressful. Still, we continue to deliver under this new paradigm. Every night at 9:00 pm my wife and I go out to the balcony...

Hommes et femmes différemment touchés par le COVID-19

Alors que le coronavirus poursuit sa rapide propagation à travers le monde, professionnels de la santé et experts ne peuvent que constater l’importance du genre, déterminant la façon dont les personnes sont touchées. D’une part, les hommes sont plus enclins à être...

UN Internships in Times of COVID-19

Two UNOG interns share their experience of working from home during these strange times of COVID-19 pandemic Valerii is an intern at the United Nations Office at Geneva who currently lives in Geneva Following my ideals and principles After living in Italy for the past...

UN Staff under COVID-19 quarantine

Since 16 mars all UNOG staff have been requested to work from home. Here are their views and thoughts on full-time telecommute. A couple weeks ago our lives changed overnight. As Italy was experiencing ever-growing death toll our management decided it was safer for...

Exploring the implications of automation for jobs and places

It is a hot topic in most societies. This reflects existing issues such as unemployment, inequality and – in Europe and US – stagnant living standards It is also a response to the emergence of new business models often based on platforms such as Uber or Upwork. Beyond...
