Articles by author: Ian Richards

Articles by author:

Ian Richards

Paving a way for the future

How do you see your role? As the voice of young people at the UN, or as the representative of the Secretary-General to young people? This recently established position - leading the new UN Youth Office - marks a significant shift in the organization’s commitment to...

Presenting the Protocol and Liaison Service

When heads of state, heads of government and top diplomats from around the globe flock to New York for high-level week in September, it marks the culmination of many months of intensive preparation for the United Nations Protocol and Liaison Service. In addition to...

Life as the UN’s paymaster

UN Controller Chandramouli Ramanathan tells us how he balances the UN’s books, explains our mission to funders, and keeps everyone paid on time, wherever they are. How much money do you manage? We have roughly $14 billion in annual revenues. I say “roughly”, and this...

The UN has a new mobility policy but it could be better

Late last year the UN finalised a policy that will come into force any time soon. New staff will need to change duty station every five years through a lateral reassignment exercise unless they find another job in the meantime. Existing staff can choose to take part...

The UN staff helping Ukraine feed the world

The first of two articles. We delve into the inner workings of the Joint Coordination Centre, which was set up by the UN, Türkiye, Russia and Ukraine to inspect food shipments out of Ukraine and ensure they comply with the conditions set down in the Black Sea Grain...

How the UN helped Russia and Ukraine reach a deal on food exports

The second of two articles. When war broke out between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, both among the most important producers of agricultural commodities in the world, UNCTAD chief Rebeca Grynspan was asked to calculate the impact and then negotiate, together...

Five things the pandemic has taught us about working at the UN

It is now a full two years since the start of the pandemic. Like other employers the UN had to change its way of working and fast. Twenty-four months later it’s time to draw some conclusions and discuss how we want our new workplace to be. Telecommuting works… under...

Patrick Chappatte: Cancel culture has gone too far

Patrick Chappatte was born in Pakistan, he spent time in Singapore before his family settled in Geneva when he was five. He publishes in Le Temps, NZZ, Le Canard Enchainé, Der Spiegel and the Boston Globe. Until recently he also worked for the New York Times, but...

Trade, fun and banter – two guys and their podcast

Some used lockdown to cook, bake or assemble their Peleton. Rob Skidmore and Ardian Mollabeciri from ITC started a podcast. Tradesplaining has listeners from around the world and plenty of irreverent humour. Rob, from Wisconsin, and Ardian, from New York and with...

How the UN is vaccinating staff in 152 countries

You are in charge of vaccinating UN staff. How many vaccines have you procured, which are they and when will they be made available? Are you making use of Russia’s kind offer to donate vaccinations to staff? The United Nations has thus far purchased sufficient...
