From Jamaica to the world

Last autumn Pamela Coke-Hamilton took over as ITC’s Executive Director. She sat down with UN Today to talk about growing up in Jamaica, her different jobs, how Geneva has and hasn’t changed, and her still-far-off retirement plans Growing up in the small town of...

Une femme qui fait la différence

Sacrée « Woman who makes a difference » par l’International Women Forum, un puissant réseau international féminin Frédérique Bedos ne fait rien de convenu. Fondatrice du « Projet Imagine », elle ambitionne d’activer en chacun le pouvoir de rendre le monde meilleur....

SHP: A real estate gamble that went wrong

The new H building, with its clean lines and purportedly collaborative open space, was meant to be the crowning glory of the almost-$1 billion Strategic Heritage Plan. Instead, it is struggling to attract users amidst lower rents outside, fears of spreading Covid-19...

Would you want to work in the UN of the future?

Last month, a report from a management task force on the future of work at the UN caused considerable consternation among staff with a proposal for new, agile staff contracts. We asked two of those responsible for the report for their views on the future of work both...

Can diplomacy work online?

This article contains some brief observations, based mainly on recent formal and informal meetings that I serviced and/or attended at the Palais des Nations, as well as on discussions with colleagues and delegates on their experience with ’online diplomacy‘ in the...

What is it like to interpret a remote meeting?

Teamwork is turning it into a success, but what do interpreters make of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI)? Before the pandemic, interpreters’ experience of RSI was sporadic and invariably negative. It was often sprung on them unannounced and involved sound...

How Racist Is the UN?

Back in June, Antonio Guterres told a staff townhall that “if racism exists anywhere, it also exists in the UN.” But how racist is the UN? And in an international organization, with staff from all quarters, what is racism? Let’s start back in 1945. The UN was founded...


Perspectives on Multilateralism and International Geneva

Celebrating UN75 amidst monumental challenges In October, the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations will reach their peak. A fitting moment to look back on the past months and reflect on what lies ahead.The multilateral system is being challenged...

Entretien avec Antonio Hodgers: Un engagement sur le fil de la vie

Avant de céder la présidence du gouvernement genevois, Antonio Hodgers a accepté de répondre aux questions d'UN Today à l'occasion des 75 ans de l'ONU, un événement très important pour le canton de Genève. Synthèse   Du statut de réfugié à l'engagement politique...

Bonjour and a warm welcome to Geneva

Welcome message Moving to a new duty station often comes with a mixture of feelings. Before arriving to your 'new home', the joy of excitement, adventure and the non-familiar as well as worries regarding different local realities and traditions can keep us busy with...

Acheter un bien en PPE – Accession à la propriété

En Suisse romande, la demande pour les logements en PPE est importante, soutenue par le faible niveau des taux hypothécaires. Quant à l’offre, elle s’est affaiblie, en lien avec une production de logements très orientée sur le marché locatif. Cette situation a généré,...

Reprise en trombe pour le bassin annécien

Le bilan du marché immobilier en 2019 présageait des conditions optimales pour 2020 sur la région annécienne. Après un arrêt brutal, le déconfinement a dopé l’activité. Pour combien de temps ? En 2019, le marché immobilier du Grand Annecy suivait son rythme de...

Rethinking cities in the COVID-19 recovery

From surviving to thriving For months, the soul of Geneva was hardly recognisable. The pandemic changed the character of cities – and with it our definition of normal. But how are cities bouncing back and shaping a ‘better normal’? Geneva, the multilateral centre,...
