What is it like to interpret a remote meeting?

Teamwork is turning it into a success, but what do interpreters make of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI)? Before the pandemic, interpreters’ experience of RSI was sporadic and invariably negative. It was often sprung on them unannounced and involved sound...

How Racist Is the UN?

Back in June, Antonio Guterres told a staff townhall that “if racism exists anywhere, it also exists in the UN.” But how racist is the UN? And in an international organization, with staff from all quarters, what is racism? Let’s start back in 1945. The UN was founded...

Racisme, retour au pire ?

Historienne de la littérature du XIXe siècle, Nicole Savy, a travaillé sur les stéréotypes racistes et antisémites. Elle a exercé des responsabilités nationales à la Ligue française des droits de l’Homme et du citoyen.  Les comportements racistes sont-ils récents ou...

There is no alternative to Multilateralism in the 21st Century

Let us make no mistake: we are at an unprecedented defining moment in history which requests our utmost attention, whether we are citizens or leaders.We have all become forever interdependent First of all, the world population skyrocketed from 2.4 billion to over 7.8...

Nations Unies et Femmes : une lutte incessante

En 75 ans, la présence et le rôle des femmes au sein de l’ONU est toujours restée un thème central. Du combat de la première heure pour mentionner la différence de genre dans la Charte des Nations Unies, en passant par les années de promotion de la question, jusqu’à...

75 years of UNfair internships ?!

As the United Nations turns 75 years old in October, it is time for all of us to reflect on what the UN has and has not achieved over all those years. For many young people, the lack of payment of interns within the UN Secretariat is one of the failures that the UN...


Reprise en trombe pour le bassin annécien

Le bilan du marché immobilier en 2019 présageait des conditions optimales pour 2020 sur la région annécienne. Après un arrêt brutal, le déconfinement a dopé l’activité. Pour combien de temps ? En 2019, le marché immobilier du Grand Annecy suivait son rythme de...

Rethinking cities in the COVID-19 recovery

From surviving to thriving For months, the soul of Geneva was hardly recognisable. The pandemic changed the character of cities – and with it our definition of normal. But how are cities bouncing back and shaping a ‘better normal’? Geneva, the multilateral centre,...

Sustainable Fashion: Walking the Talk

85 % of textiles end up in landfills or are incinerated, with most of these materials suitable for reuse. I have always had a keen interest in making fashion sustainable. It started as a teenager designing my own clothes and has stayed with me through my professional...

La deuxième main, c’est du premier choix

De nouveaux modes de consommation de la mode font du deuxième main une option moderne et engagée pour un shopping éthique sans modération. Sous diverses formes et depuis plusieurs années déjà, les rangs de la résistance à la « fast fashion » [Fast fashion : segment de...

The future of work in fashion

Investing in inclusive and sustainable supply chains  The future of work in the fashion industry looks increasingly uncertain: can we make it more sustainable and inclusive? Clothing is the ultimate expression of fashion. The garment industry and its supply...
