L’escalade, un sport qui grimpe !

Parmi les activités sportives qui ont le vent en poupe, l’escalade connaît un essor particulièrement important ces dernières années. Aujourd’hui, il est très fréquent de trouver un mur d’escalade dans les centres sportifs scolaires ou une salle privée dans son...

It is time to dress up and dance

Soon, the cultural and artistic spirit of Vienna moves again to Geneva. The doors of different venues are opened so that everyone can dress up, dance the well-known Strauss waltzes as well as traditional ballroom styles, meet a member of the family in person, taste...

L’Orchestre des Nations, ambassadeur de la musique et de la paix

« À l’instar de musiciens qui s’accordent sur le « la », l’Orchestre des Nations (ODN) entend rapprocher les peuples en portant un message universel de fraternité. » La démarche d’Antoine Marguier, chef d’orchestre et fondateur de l’Orchestre des Nations, est forte....

Making Switzerland a more sustainable travel destination

Can you tell us a little about ‘Swisstainable’ and what it means for the visitor’s experience of Switzerland? Swisstainable is an initiative — well, we like to describe it as a movement — launched by Switzerland Tourism (ST) with the support of the whole Swiss tourism...

Authenticity in Central Switzerland

Engelberg-Titlis is the largest winter and summer holiday destination in the Alps of Central Switzerland. While famous for its historical landmark, the monastery, the quaint little village also offers a wide variety of holiday activities for families, visitors and...

A visit to the Museum Cerny

She is from Canada, he from Switzerland. They live in Bern and have been collecting contemporary art from the inhabitants of the Arctic Circle for three decades now. The Museum Cerny: the cause. The constant global travel, sharing the interpretation, inspiration...

Les “coups de cœur hivernaux” du Kiosque Culturel du CAGI

Que vous soyez nouvel arrivant ou juste à la recherche d’idées fraîches pour cette fin de saison, voice quelques idées de sites de loisirs d’hiver accessibles depuis Genève et, pour celles et ceux qui ne sont pas amateurs des sports de glisse, de manifestations et...

Maison Rousseau de la littérature

C’est un bijou niché au cœur de la vieille ville de Genève à ne pas manquer si vous êtes curieux, fan de littérature, de musique, de philosophie ou si vous voulez mieux connaître Jean Jacques Rousseau, l’enfant de Genève et star controversée du siècle des lumières....

Basel – The center of art, history, and surprising contrasts

Innovation makes us thrive and history humbles us, and the Swiss city of Basel is a perfect mixture of both. Bordering France and Germany, this is a true ‘Renaissance City’ of fascinating contrasts, historically influenced by foreign art, cuisine and science, and...


Making Switzerland a more sustainable travel destination

Can you tell us a little about ‘Swisstainable’ and what it means for the visitor’s experience of Switzerland? Swisstainable is an initiative — well, we like to describe it as a movement — launched by Switzerland Tourism (ST) with the support of the whole Swiss tourism...

Authenticity in Central Switzerland

Engelberg-Titlis is the largest winter and summer holiday destination in the Alps of Central Switzerland. While famous for its historical landmark, the monastery, the quaint little village also offers a wide variety of holiday activities for families, visitors and...

A visit to the Museum Cerny

She is from Canada, he from Switzerland. They live in Bern and have been collecting contemporary art from the inhabitants of the Arctic Circle for three decades now. The Museum Cerny: the cause. The constant global travel, sharing the interpretation, inspiration...

Les “coups de cœur hivernaux” du Kiosque Culturel du CAGI

Que vous soyez nouvel arrivant ou juste à la recherche d’idées fraîches pour cette fin de saison, voice quelques idées de sites de loisirs d’hiver accessibles depuis Genève et, pour celles et ceux qui ne sont pas amateurs des sports de glisse, de manifestations et...

Maison Rousseau de la littérature

C’est un bijou niché au cœur de la vieille ville de Genève à ne pas manquer si vous êtes curieux, fan de littérature, de musique, de philosophie ou si vous voulez mieux connaître Jean Jacques Rousseau, l’enfant de Genève et star controversée du siècle des lumières....

Basel – The center of art, history, and surprising contrasts

Innovation makes us thrive and history humbles us, and the Swiss city of Basel is a perfect mixture of both. Bordering France and Germany, this is a true ‘Renaissance City’ of fascinating contrasts, historically influenced by foreign art, cuisine and science, and...

Des monuments symboles de paix et d’espoir

En vous promenant dans les parcs et autres lieux publics de Genève, vous découvrirez de nombreuses statues et œuvres d’art. Certaines ont été commandées par le Canton ou par la Ville, d’autres ont été offertes par des États ou des associations. Trois monuments...

50km of wellness bicycle tour through Aargau

Purest relaxation at the Rheinfelden, Zurzach and Schinznach thermal baths does a world of good – and in hot sulphur springs, the kind you expect to find solely in Iceland, you sink into water of up to 45 degrees Celsius with Switzerland’s highest sulphur content. Why...

Thermal baths and masks – wellness during the pandemic

The city of Geneva and its surrounding countryside has a rich history of wellness and well-being dating back to Roman times when the area gained recognition for its soothing natural springs. Since then, Geneva has transformed itself into a diplomatic epicenter sparked...

Where diplomacy’s secrets lie

It's conservative, global and located in the heart of International Geneva. Its main guests? Celebrities of diplomacy. Its main challenge? Soft skills’ management. What’s the formula? “Staff must have five key skills: flexibility and multitasking (in order to switch...
