‘Back’ to work: post-lockdown reflections from a Geneva-based NGO Introducing hybrid and flexible into a modern and more collaborative work space - Norwegian Refugee Council is leading the way By Issie Cobb | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 29 December 2021
Global youth – don’t write us off just yet Often overlooked, marginalised and even vilified, the world's youth deserve much greater support and recognition of their achievements By Jake Sanders | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 8 December 2021
Leaving no one behind in humanitarian action Persons with disabilities are particularly at risk in humanitarian crises. The UN and partners are working to make humanitarian action more inclusive By Isabelle de Muyser-Boucher | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 December 2021
Neutrality: a changing concept? In 2017 the UNGA declared the International Day of Neutrality. But what does this mean today? By Michael Stopford | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 December 2021
Discrimination et esclavage, même combat ! Le podcast “ONU Info Genève” donne la parole à ceux qui s’engagent contre toutes les formes de discrimination et d’esclavage moderne By Alexandre Carette | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 December 2021
“Go out there, be a photographer” How and why I quit my job as a Communications Officer and became a freelance photographer By Antoine Tardy | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 December 2021
2050Today – Your climate action in Geneva as of now Imagine a world where climate action for zero emissions is the natural step for everyone, entity or individual. 2050Today is about measuring our green By Jean-Pierre Reymond | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 November 2021
Packaging done right: open recycling data A world with zero waste, where all used packaging can easily be returned for recycling – this is the vision that stimulated the Geneva impACTs initiative By Adrian Sameli and Charlotte Horder | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 November 2021
Laurent Jimaja, premier maire suisse d’origine africaine Au sortir de l’aéroport, de nombreuses personnes ignorent qu’elles foulent les terres du Grand-Saconnex dirigées par un homme au parcours atypique By Catherine Fiankan-Bokonga | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 November 2021