Did WHO do enough to curb COVID-19? Scrutinizing WHO's actions in responding to COVID-19, reducing vaccine inequity, and deciphering COVID-19 origins By Vedant Kulkarni | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 23 March 2022
Take action for World Down Syndrome Day How can you promote the rights of people with Down syndrome on the 21 March? By Nathan Rowe | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 2 March 2022
Ecrire pour explorer, dire et transformer le monde Auteure prolifique, transgressive, incontournable, Leonora Miano pose un regard sans concession sur les relations entre l’Europe et l’Afrique By Muriel Scibilia | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 2 March 2022
We have stolen young people’s future Dr. Jane Goodall shares her wisdom in front of our current planetary crisis By Alexis Issaharoff | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 2 March 2022
Are hybrid meetings here to stay? As the pandemic continues and travel is restricted, the UN explores new ways to work and hold its meetings, and there are pros and cons By Paola Deda | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 February 2022
Are the days of Davos man and woman really over? The World Economic Forum’s Davos: plutocrats’ playground or a new global governance? By Michael Stopford | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 February 2022
The art of moving goods from one country to another Digitalizing border crossings will help countries in normal and in extraordinary times. How should we understand this new challenge? By Kostas Alexopoulos | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 February 2022
Reaching SDG 4: The necessary contribution of NGOs Six years after the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, where do we stand and what role do NGOs play? By Mathieu Cros | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 February 2022
How permanent will the fight against hunger and poverty be? We talked to Gargee Ghosh, President of Global Policy & Advocacy at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation By Julián Ginzo | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 15 January 2022