Articles by author: Garry Mullender

Articles by author:

Garry Mullender

Portuguese: a language to be reckoned with

Nine member states from four continents, economically and culturally diverse, with differing levels of development. Yet the CPLP’s ties span centuries, and a common language and will to cooperate make this young community a unique success in solidarity. Speaking as...

Towards an inclusive workplace at UNOG…

Most of us regularly check the e-mails and other texts we write for spelling or grammar mistakes before sending them, but how many of us use an accessibility checker to make sure that they can be read easily by colleagues who are blind? Do we know what pitfalls, such...

A new face for the Division of Conference Management at UNOG

You have recently been appointed Director of the Division of Conference Management (DCM) at UNOG. Could you share with us more information about your career path that made it possible for you to be selected for this important position? I have had various roles since...
