Articles by author: Ian Richards

Articles by author:

Ian Richards

What did I learn from “Together Mentoring”?

Author: Catarinha Camarinhas In the current circumstances of social distancing and isolation that we have been living through in this COVID-19 era, we all became more introspective and reflective with regard to our choices. I saw the programme as a chance to take a...

From Jamaica to the world

Last autumn Pamela Coke-Hamilton took over as ITC’s Executive Director. She sat down with UN Today to talk about growing up in Jamaica, her different jobs, how Geneva has and hasn’t changed, and her still-far-off retirement plans Growing up in the small town of...

After 20 years I lost my job at the UN, now I am a Consultant

What is like to lose your job after 20 years on a permanent contract? A colleague, who wishes to remain anonymous, tells us his journey. I had a permanent position in one of the most respected UN specialized scientific organizations. After an internal restructuring...

On Her Majesty’s Service

Julian Braithwaite, the UK’s permanent representative talks about dealing with Brexit, online meetings, UN funding, explaining his work to an audience back home and cocktail parties. When Julian Braithwaite arrived in Geneva five years ago as the UK’s permanent...

How Racist Is the UN?

Back in June, Antonio Guterres told a staff townhall that “if racism exists anywhere, it also exists in the UN.” But how racist is the UN? And in an international organization, with staff from all quarters, what is racism? Let’s start back in 1945. The UN was founded...

Don’t forget the consultants

Consultants are the forgotten workforce at the UN, even if they sometimes or often sit side by side with colleagues. With precarious contracts, low wages and a status that keeps them half in and half out of the UN system, it’s time to shed a light on the way the UN...

And how about putting your children into a Swiss public school ?

We spoke with Guylaine Antille, in charge of internal communication at Geneva’s education department, on what’s involved if you want to educate your child locally and save yourself a lot of money in the process. L’école primaire, le cycle d’orientation et le collège...

We’re off to the (UN) beach!

No need to travel this summer. The UN Beach is open and waiting for you in the heart of Geneva and on the shores of our beautiful lake. The gates are open This summer the UN Beach will be open as usual, every day from 9 am to 11 pm and welcoming everyone who wants to...
