Defining the borderline of what is right for UN personnel

How do you define impartiality for international civil servants? Impartiality is defined ‘in UN Staff Regulations and Rules and other guidance such as the Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service’. If you want to explain this in a more layman way then...

The daily task of remaining impartial

Founded in France in 1919, the IFRC emerged to embrace the citizens of the world in situations of humanitarian crisis. Surely with the vision that, at some point, these crises would no longer be needed. Today it embraces 160 million people a year through its 192...

The know-how of impartiality after 2.500 missions

A lot is said —and written— about impartiality, but little is approached from the practical experience of 'having been there,’ on the front line, interpreting interests and facilitating dialogue from the complexity that comes with multiculturalism. He has completed...

Neutrality — George Floyd’s legacy

During the process of searching for interviewees for the November issue on neutrality, we came across this book. A witty literary piece that seeks to provide concrete actions to the resolution of conflicts that exist - mainly - in the demands of a frustrated society...

The fight against fake news

Information, media, and digital technologies are supposed to save lives and support sustainable development. However, spiraling disinformation, rising hate speech, breach of people’s privacy, declining freedom of expression, and a general misuse and abuse of digital...

Leading UN communications in turbulent times

Melissa Fleming has headed the UN Department of Global Communications for three years now. In this exclusive interview, she speaks about the continuing challenge of combating misinformation and disinformation, the role the UN plays in that regard, and the importance...

Bringing positive change through communications

In a recent speech to the UN Information Centres’ Directors, UNOG Director-General Tatiana Valovaya remarked how striking it was that one thing remains unchanged since the League of Nations’ times: as the UN family works together to find global solutions to global...

A giant of the times

170 years of daily publication, 132 Pulitzer Prizes, more than 9 million subscribers, managed since 1896 by the Sulzberger family and currently considered the second most important newspaper in the world, after USA Today and before The Guardian. The impact of what its...

How to start believing in the information we read

Today’s digital information environment may seem like a confusing maze to many. Some give up and go on a ‘news fast’ to avoid so much negative news and the struggle of sorting honesty from hoaxes. Some gravitate to the clear, inviting rhetoric of sites that promote...


Bringing positive change through communications

In a recent speech to the UN Information Centres’ Directors, UNOG Director-General Tatiana Valovaya remarked how striking it was that one thing remains unchanged since the League of Nations’ times: as the UN family works together to find global solutions to global...

A giant of the times

170 years of daily publication, 132 Pulitzer Prizes, more than 9 million subscribers, managed since 1896 by the Sulzberger family and currently considered the second most important newspaper in the world, after USA Today and before The Guardian. The impact of what its...

How to start believing in the information we read

Today’s digital information environment may seem like a confusing maze to many. Some give up and go on a ‘news fast’ to avoid so much negative news and the struggle of sorting honesty from hoaxes. Some gravitate to the clear, inviting rhetoric of sites that promote...

Q&A: Why multilingualism matters at the UN

With a diverse global workforce that speaks hundreds of languages, the United Nations takes tremendous pride in its multilingual environment. In this interview, we speak with two UN multilingualism focal points — Kira Kruglikova in Geneva and Carole Maisonneuve in New...

Qu’est-ce que le multilinguisme ?

Le multilinguisme est une valeur fondamentale de l’ONU : l’Assemblée générale l’a affirmé à maintes reprises. Dans le langage courant, le multilinguisme désigne un simple état de fait, à savoir qu’un individu ou un groupe utilise concurremment plusieurs langues. La...

Translation and multilingualism

Meetings have a bad name. The frustration of meetings where nothing was achieved is so familiar that we can forget that no one has yet invented a way to cooperate without them. This is all the more true for international cooperation and especially for what we call the...

Interprètes à l’ONU : un métier essentiel et stressant

Dans la salle de conférence, un représentant parle avec passion en espagnol. Le président, serrant son oreillette, suit le discours avec intérêt, ou plutôt son interprétation, car il ne comprend pas cette langue. Il hoche la tête : message reçu. La barrière de la...

Multilinguisme à l’ONU : une urgence !

Le multilinguisme au sein du système ONU n’est ni un luxe ni facultative, mais une exigence incontournable pour relever les principaux défis de notre temps. Osons le dire : les partisans d’une langue unique de communication se trompent - à plus d’un titre ! Ce n’est...

Escapades week-end : un été “vert” en Suisse romande

La région lémanique et la Riviera vaudoise font la fierté de la Suisse Romande. Profitez de l’été, où leur beauté est à son comble, pour les découvrir ou les redécouvrir. Les week-ends y sont comme de petites parenthèses de vacances, où vous pourrez privilégier...

Un week-end en France

DIJON - BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTÉ : PARTIR À DIJON, C’EST ENTAMER UN VOYAGE QUI METTRA TOUS VOS SENS EN ÉVEIL La renommée de la ville s’est en partie construite autour de sa fameuse moutarde, de son pain d’épices, de sa crème de cassis ou encore de ses grands vins. La...
