Q&A: Why multilingualism matters at the UN

With a diverse global workforce that speaks hundreds of languages, the United Nations takes tremendous pride in its multilingual environment. In this interview, we speak with two UN multilingualism focal points — Kira Kruglikova in Geneva and Carole Maisonneuve in New...

Qu’est-ce que le multilinguisme ?

Le multilinguisme est une valeur fondamentale de l’ONU : l’Assemblée générale l’a affirmé à maintes reprises. Dans le langage courant, le multilinguisme désigne un simple état de fait, à savoir qu’un individu ou un groupe utilise concurremment plusieurs langues. La...

Translation and multilingualism

Meetings have a bad name. The frustration of meetings where nothing was achieved is so familiar that we can forget that no one has yet invented a way to cooperate without them. This is all the more true for international cooperation and especially for what we call the...

Interprètes à l’ONU : un métier essentiel et stressant

Dans la salle de conférence, un représentant parle avec passion en espagnol. Le président, serrant son oreillette, suit le discours avec intérêt, ou plutôt son interprétation, car il ne comprend pas cette langue. Il hoche la tête : message reçu. La barrière de la...

Multilinguisme à l’ONU : une urgence !

Le multilinguisme au sein du système ONU n’est ni un luxe ni facultative, mais une exigence incontournable pour relever les principaux défis de notre temps. Osons le dire : les partisans d’une langue unique de communication se trompent - à plus d’un titre ! Ce n’est...

Escapades week-end : un été “vert” en Suisse romande

La région lémanique et la Riviera vaudoise font la fierté de la Suisse Romande. Profitez de l’été, où leur beauté est à son comble, pour les découvrir ou les redécouvrir. Les week-ends y sont comme de petites parenthèses de vacances, où vous pourrez privilégier...

Un week-end en France

DIJON - BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTÉ : PARTIR À DIJON, C’EST ENTAMER UN VOYAGE QUI METTRA TOUS VOS SENS EN ÉVEIL La renommée de la ville s’est en partie construite autour de sa fameuse moutarde, de son pain d’épices, de sa crème de cassis ou encore de ses grands vins. La...

Italy’s Dolce Vita is just a train ride away

MILAN Italy’s fashion capital is about so much more than couture. Discovering its essence starts at the Gothic cathedral, one of Europe’s largest, with 3,400 statues and 135 gargoyles — more than any other cathedral in the world. The cathedral’s terrazza has Alps...

Discover Austria: where history meets culture

Want a change of scenery but don’t want to squeeze on a plane yet? Some new cultural and scenic impressions? Great accommodation and food, hosted by easy and friendly people? The birth city of Mozart?  Hop in your car for just a few hours or take a comfortable...


Italy’s Dolce Vita is just a train ride away

MILAN Italy’s fashion capital is about so much more than couture. Discovering its essence starts at the Gothic cathedral, one of Europe’s largest, with 3,400 statues and 135 gargoyles — more than any other cathedral in the world. The cathedral’s terrazza has Alps...

Discover Austria: where history meets culture

Want a change of scenery but don’t want to squeeze on a plane yet? Some new cultural and scenic impressions? Great accommodation and food, hosted by easy and friendly people? The birth city of Mozart?  Hop in your car for just a few hours or take a comfortable...

How the UN conference business is changing

The most profound changes introduced to our societies in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic are related to how we meet and interact. While online conferencing was a trend before the pandemic, it has become a habit much faster than anyone could anticipate. Moreover,...

Modernising meeting rooms

UN Geneva is at the heart of the largest United Nations duty station and is one of the major conference centers in the world, making it a key platform for international dialogue and diplomacy. In 2020 alone, UNOG’s Division of Conference Management serviced 4,274...

Why remote interpretation doesn’t work for interpreters

The best of times Conference interpretation is a field that has long profited from innovation – reaping the benefits of advances in technology, culminating in the state-of-the-art conference rooms at the UN. The goal of these innovations has always been to optimize...

How conference statements can now be uploaded

Behind every meeting at UN Geneva, there is a team of specialists working in the background to ensure the successful and seamless delivery of every single component. Take the practice of delivering prepared statements, for instance. While this may seem straightforward...

Parental leave in the UN: Where do we stand?

“Inclusive parental leave is not only a women’s issue. Standardized parental leave, as indicated in the SG’s System-wide Strategy on Gender Parity, is a key component of creating a more enabling environment." (1) Secretary-General António Guterres launched the...

Fifteen recommendations to bring about equal parenting at the UN

For the UN to be and to remain a credible advocate for gender equality, as well as an inclusive and attractive employer, parental leave policies need to be standardized across the system. This would include an increase to a minimum of 24 weeks parental leave for all...

Parents share their stories

If you joined the UN when you were young, or when you did not yet have a family, you probably didn’t give the UN’s parental leave policies a second thought. Starting a family while working for one of the most respected and prestigious global employers, and knowing...

Adapting learning for the future

Have you been inspired by the UN Mentorship Programme, engaged with colleagues in United to Respect Dialogues, developed leadership skills via The Blue Line, and/or upskilled with LinkedIn Learning? If so, you have benefited from just a few of the learning...
