Shine: It is time to change the world

For the past 22 years, Ana de Andrés has worked as a leader in top-notch companies in the private sector (Procter & Gamble and Grupo Danone), in multilateral organizations (World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank) and as a social and organizational...

From the suit to the flapper: fashion and gender

According to historian Farid Chenoune, “During the Seven Year’s War [in the mid-18th century]…officers carried campaign kits into battle than included perfume, rouge for lips and cheeks, powder puff and eyelash brush....” By the early 19th century, elite men across...

Can films fix the global challenges of human rights?

Ask yourself which human right is being violated and the festival will tell you which film you should watch. It is fortunate that this resource can be used to raise a flag and pass on a message in a global, necessary and direct way. What is the human right that,...

University for all: making higher education more inclusive

From physical barriers such as narrow doorways and aisles, or the lack of automatic or push-button doors, to difficulties in accessing the right information about inclusive programmes offered by universities, students with disabilities aiming to attend higher...

Come fly with me

What can you tell us about yourself? I grew up in Geneva, passionate about volleyball, orienting myself to and investing myself full-time in the sport. This allowed me to move to the United States, where I played as a professional athlete. After a knee injury, I ended...

Serve your audience, not yourself

In the seven decades since its creation, the United Nations has been in service to humanity, working on the frontline of conflict resolution, peacekeeping, and a wide variety of other pursuits which help to improve people’s lives around the world. My invitation to you...

Le CAGI a 25 ans !

L'année 2021 est sans conteste un millésime à part dans l’histoire du Centre d’Accueil de la Genève Internationale (CAGI). Elle marque en effet son vingt-cinquième anniversaire, soit plus de deux décennies passées au service d’une communauté internationale forte de...

How prepared are you to suggest a change in the public sector?

When it comes to choosing a master’s in Public Policy, the options are varied. What does the University of Bath offer that makes this programme different from the rest? We offer a MSc that puts real-world policymaking at the heart of students’ learning. Our graduates...


University for all: making higher education more inclusive

From physical barriers such as narrow doorways and aisles, or the lack of automatic or push-button doors, to difficulties in accessing the right information about inclusive programmes offered by universities, students with disabilities aiming to attend higher...

Come fly with me

What can you tell us about yourself? I grew up in Geneva, passionate about volleyball, orienting myself to and investing myself full-time in the sport. This allowed me to move to the United States, where I played as a professional athlete. After a knee injury, I ended...

Serve your audience, not yourself

In the seven decades since its creation, the United Nations has been in service to humanity, working on the frontline of conflict resolution, peacekeeping, and a wide variety of other pursuits which help to improve people’s lives around the world. My invitation to you...

Le CAGI a 25 ans !

L'année 2021 est sans conteste un millésime à part dans l’histoire du Centre d’Accueil de la Genève Internationale (CAGI). Elle marque en effet son vingt-cinquième anniversaire, soit plus de deux décennies passées au service d’une communauté internationale forte de...

How prepared are you to suggest a change in the public sector?

When it comes to choosing a master’s in Public Policy, the options are varied. What does the University of Bath offer that makes this programme different from the rest? We offer a MSc that puts real-world policymaking at the heart of students’ learning. Our graduates...

Une rentrée spécialisée

Lenseignement spécialisé accueille des élèves de 4 à 20 ans. Il s’adresse aux enfants, adolescents et jeunes adultes en situation de handicap  nécessitant une assistance éducative particulière ou présentant des difficultés d’apprentissage. Les prestations...

The Jardin des Nations: A dynamic place for local life

Located at the junction of the Route de Ferney and the Route des Morillons in Geneva, the previously inaccessible space behind the ILO will be the site of a transitional urban project called the Jardin des Nations from this summer until 2024. A bar-restaurant, beer...

Virtual meetings are here to stay: It’s time to professionalize

I just finished yet another virtual meeting where the experience left me feeling numb, deflated, and unfulfilled. Sound familiar? The pandemic started more than a year ago, yet I ask myself, why haven’t more people upgraded and elevated how they speak online by now?...

NGOs reinvent themselves with Covid but fear for the future

One year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, 108 Geneva-based NGOs responded to a survey conducted in March 2021 by the International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI) in collaboration with the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG). Only a minority of NGOs...
