Can young people have faith in the international system? 2024 and beyond - young people face a world of polycrises and conflict without the confidence that the multilateral system can solve them By Michael Stopford | OTHER | 9 February 2024
Expat’s lives: emotional challenges for children and adolescents Moving is a source of richness but also of psychological suffering for children and adolescents. They need help to re-anchor in a new environment By Maria Giovanna Bianchi | OTHER | 1 February 2024
Communication skills every leader of the digital age must know To survive and thrive in the digital age, today’s leaders need to rapidly up-skill in communication By Laura Penn | OTHER | 1 February 2024
The merits of graphic recording Everybody loves stories and pictures. Graphic recording encapsulates our deeply human nature to visualize our ideas By Gabriele Schlipf | OTHER | 1 December 2023
A planetary journey to the rescue of the 2030 Agenda A pioneering couple have taken on an extraordinary mission to create an inclusive future through raising awareness of the power of each individual By Muriel Scibilia | OTHER | 1 December 2023
Un voyage planétaire à la rescousse du programme 2030 Faire prendre conscience du pouvoir de chacun de créer un avenir inclusif, tel est le but du voyage hors norme qu’entreprend un couple pionnier By Muriel Scibilia | OTHER | 1 December 2023
Un ‘Delegates information desk’ à disposition des organisations Le Centre d’Accueil de la Genève Internationale (CAGI) offre un soutien aux délégués de la Genève internationale By Michael Cochet | OTHER | 1 October 2023
Embodied communication: a recipe for authentic connection Human beings are built for communication and we are at our very best when we use our whole bodies to “speak” By Laura Penn | OTHER | 1 September 2023
Reaffirming international connections through language During his visit to UNOG, an interview with President Yang, of Beijing Foreign Studies University reveals the importance of international peace to the University's ethos. By Prisca Chaoui and Dan Lin | OTHER | 23 July 2023