The International Institute for Diplomacy – Switzerland (IID) works towards a better world by offering common and pragmatic solutions to complex issues. As an innovative and unifying project, it provides an opportunity to implement unique know-how and expertise within International Geneva and beyond. Through its Diplomatic Academy offering continuous training, it enables the new generation of diplomats and members of the public eager to enhance their skills and practical competency by calling upon intergenerational expertise.

Surprisingly, Geneva lacks a dedicated institute for diplomacy and a diplomatic academy, unlike the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna or the European Academy of Diplomacy in Warsaw. The IID is the result of more than three years of work, during which discussions and reflections took place with diplomatic figures and experts from international organizations, civil society, and the public and private sectors. These discussions confirmed the necessity of creating such an institute, which will include a Diplomatic Academy, consultancy and negotiation services, conferences, and a center for applied research. Furthermore, this groundwork has helped identify the demand to offer unique services that complement the various existing institutes and centers existing in Geneva. The Institute also aims to reduce north-south disparities by providing access to quality training and giving a voice to underrepresented communities around the world.

The programs are more relevant than ever before, says Cristina Davies, Executive Director of Switzerland for UNHCR and Vice-President of the IID. She adds, “at a time when the multilateral system is under pressure, and many of the values we have taken for granted are being put to the test, the International Institute for Diplomacy is becoming an obvious choice. The role of diplomacy has never been more vital than at the beginning of this turbulent century.”

The Diplomatic Academy aims to train professionals through practitioners in the field, particularly in executive education. As international affairs require a comprehensive understanding of various domains, the IID covers themes such as humanitarian, trade, environmental, technological, and health diplomacy. The first module, titled ‘Mastering Trade Diplomacy: The Key to Global Success,’ in partnership with the CCIG – Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, will start on 26 September 2024. This aims to provide practical training to the target audience, which in this case is economically-minded people in Geneva, Switzerland, and the international community. 

Those leading this first module include:

• Yannick Roulin, Ambassador and Director of the International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI).

• Jean-Pierre Reymond, Executive Director of 2050Today.

• Didier Chambovey, PhD. in Economics, Expert in international trade and Former Swiss Ambassador to the WTO.

• Romaine Jean, Media and Communications Consultant.

• Jean-Jacques de Dardel, Ambassador of Switzerland (ret.) and President of the Economy of Trust Foundation.

• Bertrand Louis, Former Swiss Ambassador and President of the Swiss Forum for International Affairs (FSPI).

• Raoul Delcorde, PhD, Honorary Ambassador of Belgium, University Professor (political sciences) and Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium.

Vice-President of the IID, Vincent Subilia added that as it is the global hub of governance, “Geneva stands as a prominent center of global diplomacy, particularly in economic matters. In a world marked by increasing complexity, a thorough understanding of geostrategic issues, coupled with a strong command of diplomatic tools, is essential. This is why the establishment of a diplomatic institute in the heart of the International Geneva is essential. There is no doubt that such an institute will contribute to striving for a better world while also enhancing the reputation of Geneva, the smallest of great cities.”

The IID’s mission to contribute to peace, security and cooperation drives its agenda moving forwards through its programs. Strengthening diplomatic ties and aiding relations in International Geneva will only have a positive effect on the message it aims to promote in its work.  


For more information on the International Institute for 

Diplomacy – Switzerland (IID) and its training Mastering 

Trade Diplomacy: The Key to Global Success see here: