From the shadows to championing diversity and inclusion across the UN Gurchaten (Nanoo) Sandhu talks about how he overcame shame about his sexuality and gender identity to leading UN-GLOBE By Christopher Mason | INSIDE VIEW | 8 April 2021
Two former UN interns discuss life, internships, and women in the UN By Diana Baron | INSIDE VIEW | 1 March 2021
How Technology Can Promote Multilingualism & How it Cannot The following is an analysis marking International Mother Language Day, which was commemorated on February 21, on “How Technology Can Promote Multilingualism While Being Realistic — & How it Cannot” By Ian Richards and Mohamed Chiraz Baly | INSIDE VIEW | 24 February 2021
The UN Pension Fund Adopts Facial Recognition Technology: Key questions By Elaine Fultz | INSIDE VIEW | 4 February 2021
How the Staff coordinating Council has worked for you this past year By UNOG Staff Coordinating Council | INSIDE VIEW | 1 February 2021
After 20 years I lost my job at the UN, now I am a Consultant What is like to lose your job after 20 years on a permanent contract? A colleague, who wishes to remain anonymous, tells us his journey By Ian Richards | INSIDE VIEW | 1 February 2021
Interpreting the interpreter A journey through the interesting life of Guillermo Tóth By Julián Ginzo | INSIDE VIEW | 1 February 2021