Je vais faire de la justice sociale l’élément central de mon mandat Premier africain à prendre les rênes de l’OIT, l’ancien Premier ministre du Togo, Gilbert Houngbo, entend œuvrer pour un nouveau contrat social By Muriel Scibilia | INSIDE VIEW | 1 December 2022
Understanding hidden disabilities: a must at the workplace? Perhaps with greater understanding of neurodiversity, and greater sensitivity to each other, the UN can foster the strengths of its workforce By Rosa Smith | INSIDE VIEW | 1 December 2022
Where the sea reflects the sky A personal experience of Gaza: its territory, interacting with locals, and its culture By Philippa Greer | INSIDE VIEW | 1 December 2022
Costa Rica: there’s more to us than just national parks An interview with Shara Duncan Villalobos, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Costa Rica in Geneva By Julián Ginzo | DIPLOMACY | 1 December 2022
La course de fond d’une onusienne passionnée La probabilité qu’Agnès Collardeau pousse un jour la porte du Palais des Nations et y reste 37 ans était faible, mais le hasard fait bien les choses By Olivier Meyer | UN MEMORIES | 1 December 2022
Le voyage de Magellan-Elcano a changé les perceptions du monde Pour commémorer le 500ème anniversaire de l’expédition de Magellan-Elcano, la Fondation Bodmer accueille une exposition qui relate cette aventure By Ester Rubio Colomer et Jesse Concha | CULTURE | 1 December 2022
Arabic and institutional translation: myths and reality checks One of the UN’s official languages, Arabic has, over time, developed its own unique characteristics that are central to its nature By Hassan Harrafa | CULTURE | 1 December 2022
Why Santa Claus matters In Finland Santa Claus symbolizes hope, love, generosity and connectedness By Anna Erat | LIFESTYLE | 1 December 2022
Bridges that —so badly— need to be built On Human Rights Day, Karen Tse, Chief Executive Officer of International Bridges to Justice By Julián Ginzo | GLOBAL AFFAIRS | 1 December 2022