Editorial – October 2022

Access to information is a fundamental human right, which is increasingly being undermined in the era of information overload and fake news. It is therefore both necessary and urgent to promote media literacy so the public can decode information to improve their...

Editorial – September 2022

Multilingualism! Several centuries of history undermined by the growing dominance of English, stemming partly from the unprecedented development of our means of communication and exchange. A large proportion of the 6,000 to 7,000 languages spoken in the world are...

Editorial – July/August 2022

This issue gives pride of place to ideas for getaways and activities you can do solo or with your family without needing to get on a plane. There are real gems to discover in Switzerland and nearby countries like France, Italy and Austria. Many international civil...

Editorial – June 2022

Conferences of all kinds are at the heart of the multilateralism extolled by the United Nations and its specialized institutions.  They are generally held in the four “headquarters” cities. The United Nations Office at Geneva remains one of the main conference...

Editorial – May 2022

It is becoming increasingly difficult to combine work and a life balance due to the increasing demands of many employers. The situation becomes even more complicated when children are born. Children are nowadays no longer born into the same type of traditional family...

Editorial – April 2022

Continuous training is in the ascendant. Is it an indispensable condition for the United Nations to be able to deliver its mandates effectively? Is it essential for career development? Is it a driver of excellence? Is it one of many ways to motivate staff whose...

Editorial – March 2022

To mark International Women’s Day on 8th March, we have decided to shine the spotlight on women who are game changers in their fields of expertise. Some of them work behind the scenes, such as the four UN staffers who have spoken to us about their daily activities....

Editorial – February 2022

Is teleworking a golden opportunity or a curse? This question is giving rise to an ongoing debate. On the one hand, some welcome the possibility of spending more time with the family and less time commuting; on the other hand, some have doubts about the effectiveness...

Editorial – December 2021

On 3 December 1992, the United Nations established the International Day of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in order to focus the world’s attention on the rights and needs of this group. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was born in...
