Articles by author: Julián Ginzo

Articles by author:

Julián Ginzo

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Stephan Studer, Chief Operating...

Que devrons-nous manger après avoir lu cet article ?

Quel est le segment de la population qui se nourrit le moins bien, les enfants, les adolescents, les adultes ou les personnes âgées ? La malnutrition englobe aussi bien la suralimentation que la sous-alimentation. L’excès d’apports alimentaires peut mener à un...

Genève, championne de l’économie durable

Parmi les principaux secteurs productifs de l’économie genevoise, quel est celui qui manifeste le plus haut degré d’implication en matière de durabilité, et de quelle manière le fait-il ? Le secteur financier, de par son rôle au sein de l’économie, est un important...

A 20-year plan. Doable?

You are the creator of this role at P&G, how did you manage to convince your management about opening an entire department? More than 10 years ago, I had an “Aha!” moment while I was sitting at my desk. The year was 2005 and I was leading marketing and innovation...

In the name of the father

There are few people in history like Charlie Chaplin. His talent has remained intact throughout the ages as he has attracted fans from all generations: past, present and no doubt future. There is nothing more to add about Chaplin’s genius, which is why we thought it...

The dream of empowering girls is happening

What does the International Day of the Girl Child mean for Malala Fund and how do you celebrate it? Young women and girls are passionate and eager to contribute to a better future. Some are advocating for curriculum reform and inventing climate solutions, while other...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Dr Conny Vrieling, Head of...

How prepared are you to suggest a change in the public sector?

When it comes to choosing a master’s in Public Policy, the options are varied. What does the University of Bath offer that makes this programme different from the rest? We offer a MSc that puts real-world policymaking at the heart of students’ learning. Our graduates...

The art of harmonising varied economies

You are the first Director of the IMF who comes from an emerging economy. How has this experience influenced your understanding and action on the challenges of developing countries? If there is one clear lesson from my experiences, it is the importance of building a...
