Articles by author: Julián Ginzo

Articles by author:

Julián Ginzo

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Patricia Gee, Director of Health...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Prof. Thomas Szucs, Co-Director of...

Listened to the musician. Watched the artist. Understood nothing

This edition of UN Today aims to approach the issue of disability from a different angle. On this occasion, we intend to merge the challenge of having certain special abilities and apply them to the possibility of engaging and communicating good examples through art....

Et si on passait l’hiver sans se blesser !

Quels sont les accidents les plus fréquents ? Férus de sports de glisse, comme le snowboard, la luge et le ski, quelque trois millions de suisses se précipitent chaque année sur les pistes. Une passion qui n’est pas sans conséquences : 70 000 accidents par an, soit un...

Come fly with me

What can you tell us about yourself? I grew up in Geneva, passionate about volleyball, orienting myself to and investing myself full-time in the sport. This allowed me to move to the United States, where I played as a professional athlete. After a knee injury, I ended...

Pictures of a dreamer

The experience was first to discover the singular photographer, then the singular man. Why singular? Because he breaks the mould of what one expects when trying to discover what lies behind a talented eye, two hands to hold a camera, and a finger to press a button. To...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Mauro Poggia, Minister of Health,...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Stephan Studer, Chief Operating...

Que devrons-nous manger après avoir lu cet article ?

Quel est le segment de la population qui se nourrit le moins bien, les enfants, les adolescents, les adultes ou les personnes âgées ? La malnutrition englobe aussi bien la suralimentation que la sous-alimentation. L’excès d’apports alimentaires peut mener à un...

Genève, championne de l’économie durable

Parmi les principaux secteurs productifs de l’économie genevoise, quel est celui qui manifeste le plus haut degré d’implication en matière de durabilité, et de quelle manière le fait-il ? Le secteur financier, de par son rôle au sein de l’économie, est un important...
