3, 2, 1, showtime!

With many strings to her bow, Natasha Tsakos enjoys an international career as show maker, conceptual director, performer and producer. She combines her interest in important global topics with her passion for communication through the performing arts.  Most of...

Art exhibition showcasing female talent

The United Nations Women’s Guild (UNWG) art exhibitions follow a long tradition but also our exhibitors are different each time.  We also adapt to the modern trend of performance and mixing different techniques, technologies and visual arts...

España con otro enfoque, de Rodolfo Romero

Depuis 2022, des institutions participent à un voyage culturel afin de faire découvrir des endroits méconnus en Espagne à travers l’objectif du photographe Rodolfo Romero. Après Genève et Neuchâtel, l’exposition España con otro enfoque, se tiendra à l’Institut...

A broken chain and a magic fountain

At the Palais, if you walk towards building H, you cannot miss it. On your left you will see the sculpture ‘Nemini Teneri’, (Latin for ‘not to be held by anyone’) or ‘A broken chain’; a loud representation of the human desire to live without being ‘held’ by any...

Escuela de escritura: a reflection on writers and their craft

How far would you go to astonish the world with a masterpiece? What would you be willing to do to have your exceptional talent recognized? These questions are at the heart of this fast-paced and riveting story, which begins in a cemetery and unfolds within the context...

A coffee cult

It is still unclear how coffee is able to keep its mysteriousness and its allure to this day, being the most popular drink amongst all branches of society. Fashionistas carry it in their trendy mugs, intellectuals use it for inspiration and doctors drink it to stay...

The Colombia Migrant Film Festival: resignifying new territories

In a world where migration and forced displacement have left a deep mark on the lives of millions of people, cultural events such as the Colombia Migrant Film Festival serve as valuable platforms for reflection, understanding and action. This festival, now in its...

Ideology, power and human body. The contemporary political novel

A representative sample of novels written after 2011 from a mixed perspective of Marxist and post-structuralist philosophy with literary criticism. Maria Ayete Gil graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Salamanca, with a master’s degree in Literary...


Art exhibition showcasing female talent

The United Nations Women’s Guild (UNWG) art exhibitions follow a long tradition but also our exhibitors are different each time.  We also adapt to the modern trend of performance and mixing different techniques, technologies and visual arts...

España con otro enfoque, de Rodolfo Romero

Depuis 2022, des institutions participent à un voyage culturel afin de faire découvrir des endroits méconnus en Espagne à travers l’objectif du photographe Rodolfo Romero. Après Genève et Neuchâtel, l’exposition España con otro enfoque, se tiendra à l’Institut...

A broken chain and a magic fountain

At the Palais, if you walk towards building H, you cannot miss it. On your left you will see the sculpture ‘Nemini Teneri’, (Latin for ‘not to be held by anyone’) or ‘A broken chain’; a loud representation of the human desire to live without being ‘held’ by any...

Escuela de escritura: a reflection on writers and their craft

How far would you go to astonish the world with a masterpiece? What would you be willing to do to have your exceptional talent recognized? These questions are at the heart of this fast-paced and riveting story, which begins in a cemetery and unfolds within the context...

A coffee cult

It is still unclear how coffee is able to keep its mysteriousness and its allure to this day, being the most popular drink amongst all branches of society. Fashionistas carry it in their trendy mugs, intellectuals use it for inspiration and doctors drink it to stay...

The Colombia Migrant Film Festival: resignifying new territories

In a world where migration and forced displacement have left a deep mark on the lives of millions of people, cultural events such as the Colombia Migrant Film Festival serve as valuable platforms for reflection, understanding and action. This festival, now in its...

Ideology, power and human body. The contemporary political novel

A representative sample of novels written after 2011 from a mixed perspective of Marxist and post-structuralist philosophy with literary criticism. Maria Ayete Gil graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Salamanca, with a master’s degree in Literary...

Stefan Szczesny, le peintre qui voulait plus d’ONU

Le peintre allemand Stefan Szczesny est convaincu que l’ONU est plus indispensable que jamais et voudrait l’inspirer à faire encore davantage avec son art. Alors que l’on accuse souvent l’ONU d’être impuissante face aux crises et inadaptée au nouveau monde en train...

Morocho, Coronel and Palma: agents of a new visual art generation

Over the last 20 years a new and significant generation of artists has emerged in Guayaquil, Ecuador, a dynamic and progressive city. With the creation of art study centers such as the High Technology Art Institute from Ecuador (ITAE) and the Art University Uartes,...
