Articles by author: Manuela Tortora

Articles by author:

Manuela Tortora

The role of International Geneva 2.0

Those who believe in the need for a stronger and more efficient UN are becoming increasingly concerned about its future.  In fact, the entirety of humanity should be concerned. On the horizon, we can see the attitudes of selfish nationalism becoming more common...

Interagency coordination should not be watered down!

In 2006, when the “One UN” initiative was launched with trumpets, I was an enthusiastic cheerleader ready to shout: “UN agencies, unite!.” Working at UNCTAD I was well placed to understand that the universe of development issues is like a puzzle with an infinite...

What I learned at the UN in four lessons

All and each one of my forty years of professional life were devoted to multilateral cooperation, including serving at UNCTAD from 1999 to 2014, when I retired and decided, stubbornly, to continue defending the same UN cause. I learned more than what I brought to the...
