Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Thierry Buecheler, Head of Europe,...

Des enfants pas tout à fait comme les autres

D’un côté, on constate qu’un nombre croissant d’enfants reçoivent un diagnostic d’autisme, en particulier dans les pays industrialisés où on estime qu’au moins un enfant sur cent est touché contre 5 pour 10 000 il y a une vingtaine d’année. De l’autre, les progrès...

Hallux valgus – surgery or no surgery, that is the question…

Dr. Lisca Drittenbass, Foot and Ankle Surgeon at the Centre ASSAL for Foot & Ankle Surgery at Hirslanden Clinique La Colline in Geneva, answers questions about this condition. What exactly is a hallux valgus deformity? The visible bump commonly called a bunion is...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Silvia Bonfanti, Doctor specialized...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Dalith Steiger-Gablinger, Co-Founder...

La télémédecine est promise à un grand avenir

Que recouvre le terme télémédecine ? Il ne s’agit pas d’une innovation médicale qui impliquerait une nouvelle façon de soigner mais d’une transformation dans l’organisation des soins. Elle fait partie d’un immense domaine, la e-santé ou santé numérique. Elle permet de...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Anna Erat, Medical Director of the...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Eva Bruhin, Director of Prevention...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Séléman Nabiyar, Clinical Nurse at...


Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Silvia Bonfanti, Doctor specialized...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Dalith Steiger-Gablinger, Co-Founder...

La télémédecine est promise à un grand avenir

Que recouvre le terme télémédecine ? Il ne s’agit pas d’une innovation médicale qui impliquerait une nouvelle façon de soigner mais d’une transformation dans l’organisation des soins. Elle fait partie d’un immense domaine, la e-santé ou santé numérique. Elle permet de...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Anna Erat, Medical Director of the...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Eva Bruhin, Director of Prevention...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Séléman Nabiyar, Clinical Nurse at...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Patricia Gee, Director of Health...

Health Today

UN Today and Hirslanden present Health Today, a series of interviews with Swiss-based health experts who share their personal stories, their responsibilities at work, and how they foresee their job in the future. Today, we talk to Prof. Thomas Szucs, Co-Director of...

Vous prendrez bien un bain de forêt

Reconnus depuis longtemps pour leur pouvoir régénérateur, les arbres sont de puissants alliés de notre santé aux plans physiologique et psychologique. C’est au Japon que la sylvothérapie, ou thérapie par les arbres, a gagné ses lettres de noblesse. Dans les années 80,...

Et si on passait l’hiver sans se blesser !

Quels sont les accidents les plus fréquents ? Férus de sports de glisse, comme le snowboard, la luge et le ski, quelque trois millions de suisses se précipitent chaque année sur les pistes. Une passion qui n’est pas sans conséquences : 70 000 accidents par an, soit un...
