Articles by author: Catherine Peck Arif

Articles by author:

Catherine Peck Arif

Speaking up for staff

What does your position involve? In the International Trade Centre (ITC), I head the program on non-tariff measures, providing trade-related technical assistance and capacity building. I joined both the ITC Staff Council as well as the UNOG Staff Coordinating Council...

How life has changed in my 32 years at the Palais

In the first article of this series, UN Today asks Cathy Peck Arif to look back over her 32 years at the Palais (although she’s not near retirement yet) and tell us how things have changed, for the better or for the worse. I joined the UN at the end of 1988. It was a...

Return to the office at the time of COVID-19

Ms. Daniela Wuerz, Senior Coordination Officer at UNOG, has been at the forefront of UNOG’s plan for the return to office. She shared with UN Today how she’s facing the enormous task ahead and how will staff be returning safely to the Palais des Nations. It all starts...
