Against the backdrop of the successful “Road to the World Cup 2022” football tournament event of last year, the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations at Geneva, in cooperation with the United Nations Geneva Football Club and the Perception Change Project in the Office of the Director-General UNOG, is organizing this year the 2nd annual football tournament under the theme “Sport for peace, human rights and development”.
The objective of this tournament is to promote the great potential of sport to achieve positive result in support of many of the key sustainable development goals and the fundamental human rights, and to enhance common values of peace, cooperation and solidarity.
This event will provide a platform for the members of the diplomatic Missions and the UN Football Club to connect and promote physical and mental health, well-being and social values.
This year’s edition will include a fun activity for kids: A football match for children aged from 5 to 12 years old will run before the end of the tournament, after which some gifts and prizes will be distributed.
The competition will involve eight (8) teams of delegates representing the regional groups and the UN Geneva football Club:
1. African States
2. Arab States
3. Asia-Pacific and Oceania States
4. European States
5. Gulf Cooperation Council States
6. North, Central American and Caribbean States
7. South America States
8. United Nations Geneva Football Club
The tournament is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 21 June 2023, from 12:00pm to 18:00pm at State de Varembé in Geneva, close to the Palais des Nations.
This event is organized with the generous support of Qatar Airways, Qatar National Human Rights Committee and Generation Amazing Foundation.
Entrance is free. Kids and families are welcome, so come and support your group!