Editorial – October 2020
5 Oct 2020

When delegates attended the formal ceremony in San Francisco to sign the UN Charter in 1945, they had a unique vision and the necessary commitment to create a global organization. And they knew that they needed the concourse of what would become a true  international Civil Service, where staff members would bring to fruition the mandate they were creating that famous 26th of June. Now, 75 years later, it should
give us utmost satisfaction to know that we have delivered. And that we will continue to deliver, regardless of war, famine, pandemic and diminishing support to our work. We do it because we care, and this anniversary is a good moment to remember why we work.

With that in mind, in this edition you will find remarkable contributions from colleagues and partners. Among others, representatives of the United Nations, International Geneva and the Swiss government; UNOG Director-General Tatiana Valovaya shared with us her hopes and views on multilateralism, the Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Ignazio Cassis explained how Switzerland and the UN are strong partners, Swiss Ambassador Jürg Lauber told us about the challenges and opportunities of International
Geneva, and the President of the State Council of Geneva Antonio Hodgers gave us an interview on his vision of a fairer and more united world.

Finally, we hope you will enjoy reading the incredible testimony of Yves Beigbeder, a former international civil servant whose career spanned many decades, from working at the Nuremberg trials to working at the FAO and WHO.

So here it is, a special edition that commemorates the 75th anniversary of our beloved organization. We hope you will enjoy it.

* Alex Mejia is Director of the Division for People and Social Inclusion at UNITAR; Daniel Nazarov is a Programme Coordinator at UNITAR.

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