Editor in Chief

Prisca Chaoui
Editor in chief | Interpreter at UNOG
Prisca Chaoui is an interpreter at UNOG since 2005. She is Swiss-Lebanese and has lived in Lebanon, France and Switzerland. She holds degrees in translation and interpretation and in international affairs.
Editorial BOARD

Ian Richards
Economist at UNCTAD
Ian Richards is an economist working in development finance and digital government. He is British and Sri Lankan and currently works at UNCTAD. He has lived in France, the UK, Sri Lanka and Switzerland.

Paola Deda
Director of Forest,
Land and Housing Division at UNECE
Born in Italy, she is an architect and holds a Ph.D. in Territorial and Environmental Planning. She works in the UN system since 1998, including at DESA in New York (USA), and different UNEP offices in Montreal (Canada), Bonn (Germany) and Geneva (Switzerland). She has been with UNECE since 2008, where she is currently the Director of the Forests, Land and Housing Division.

Alex Mejía
Division Director, UNITAR Former Editor-in-Chief
Born in Ecuador, lived and worked in seven countries in the Americas, Asia and Europe as an expatriate and diplomat. Former Vice Minister of the Economy of the Republic of Ecuador and Governor to the IMF and the World Bank. Master in International Affairs from Georgetown University and Masters in Banking and Finance from INCAE University. Currently a Division Director at UNITAR with more than a decade serving in senior leadership at the United Nations.

Julián Ginzo
Member of the Board
Born in Argentina. 20 years of international experience: Latin America, North America, Europe. Studied Advertising, Finance, Management and International Relations in Argentina, Canada and Switzerland. Worked in entertainment, public relations, IT, retail, telecom, private equity and NGOs.

Muriel Scibilia
Muriel Scibilia is a journalist, author and former Head of the Press and Communications Department of UN Trade and Development (previously known as UNCTAD).

Anyuli Gonzalez-Oliver
Interpreter at UNHQ
Anyuli González Oliver is an interpreter in the Spanish Interpretation section at UNHQ. She is from Puerto Rico, but has also lived and worked in the USA, France, Brazil, and Switzerland. She holds a B.A. in Literature from Yale University as well as two Master’s degrees from the École normale supérieure de Paris and the École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs (Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III).

Valerie Coutarel
Interpreter at UNHQ
French born and raised, Valerie Coutarel is the Chief of the French Interpretation Section in New York. She joined the UN in 2014 after 18 years as a freelance interpreter based in Geneva and holds degrees in translation as well as conference interpreting. She has lived in France, the UK, Spain, Switzerland and now the USA.

Gemma apellas
Head, Linguistic Production
Gemma Capellas has worked for the United Nations in Geneva, Vienna and New York as a Spanish translator since 1998. She is currently Head, Linguistic Production at the World Meteorological Organization.

Mollie Fraser-Andrews
Mollie Fraser-Andrews has lived and worked in London, England all her life. She is early into her career in publishing and works as the Editorial Coordinator for the magazine.

Gabriela Bondone
Graphic Designer
Born in Argentina, she is a Graphic Designer with extensive experience in the publishing industry. For more than 10 years she has worked in the Art Department of Clarin, El Cronista, and Noticias. She is also a Professor at the University of Buenos Aires of Introduction to Design Knowledge.