Thank you very much for your interest in joining our team of Contributors. This is an activity where those who join the team do it for the passion to write, to tell a story, and to make UN Today more interesting every day. Before submitting this form, please take into account the following considerations:

UN Today reserves the right to:

1) Publish or to unpublish your contribution at anytime.

2) Edit and correct the content of your contribution, according to the criteria that best fits the internal guidelines.

3) Publish your contribution in the magazine, on its website, and on its social media platforms.

4) Unpublish your contribution in case of incorrect data and/or sources.

The Contributor accepts that: 

1) Its contribution does not imply an employment relationship nor a partnership with UN Today.

2) The spirit of its contribution will not be financially compensated.

Only if applies.
Please note that some of the sections are intended for UN staff only. The decision to assign an article to each Contributor is the sole responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief.
Please select only the language in which your writing would not need correction.
Either paste a link to any of your articles, or paste two pages of a document that you have produced.
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