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Hommes et femmes différemment touchés par le COVID-19

Alors que le coronavirus poursuit sa rapide propagation à travers le monde, professionnels de la santé et experts ne peuvent que constater l’importance du genre, déterminant la façon dont les personnes sont touchées. D’une part, les hommes sont plus enclins à être...

UN Internships in Times of COVID-19

Two UNOG interns share their experience of working from home during these strange times of COVID-19 pandemic Valerii is an intern at the United Nations Office at Geneva who currently lives in Geneva Following my ideals and principles After living in Italy for the past...

Lettre à la rédaction / Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor-in-Chief, Let me congratulate you on the first issue of UN Today.  I hope UN Today will fill the dire need for a voice for UN staff in this age of upheaval. Hence, the focus on “The future of Work” is apt and timely. As we hold this magazine in...

UN Staff under COVID-19 quarantine

Since 16 mars all UNOG staff have been requested to work from home. Here are their views and thoughts on full-time telecommute. A couple weeks ago our lives changed overnight. As Italy was experiencing ever-growing death toll our management decided it was safer for...

Coumba Mar Gadio : un parcours exceptionnel, une femme de terrain

Olivier Meyer, Paloma Redondo * Coumba Mar Gadio, Coordonnatrice résidente du système des Nations Unies en Zambie, évoque pour UN Today ses vingt années d’activité à l’ONU et les défis professionnels et personnels qu’implique un tel engagement Curiosité et ouverture...

Decades of commitment honoured at Long Service Awards

“I am proud to serve the United Nations and I keep my head high and upright in my mission – which is not easy. But this is the United Nations, and all of you here are my friends and serve with as much determination as I do.” Sergeant Claude Foudral spoke these words...

United Nations’ Invisible Workforce

Unequal gender norms and sexism makes women and interns more vulnerable within our Organisation. According to the 2018 review of UN internship programmes, from 2009 to 2015 female interns made up 56% of all UN Secretariat interns, with male counterparts accounting for...

Non à l’inégalité salariale !

Face à l'injustice en matière salariale les fonctionnaires de l’ONUG ne baissent toujours pas les bras Février 2020 a marqué le deuxième anniversaire de l’introduction des coupes salariales pour les fonctionnaires de la catégorie professionnelle et au-delà basés à...
