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Addressing worldwide food crises and building resilience

You have a long experience addressing ‘food crises’ in the field. Can you tell us more about your work and how crucial it is to address those crises? I have worked on food crisis contexts for over 25 years. The more I work in this field, the more I realise how much...

Is our investigations process fit for purpose?

It must be understood that disciplinary matters for the United Nations, whilst having some similarities with discipline within national civil services, differ in respect of the inclusion of matters which may be regarded as criminal within a Member State and would be...

There are colors in the clouds: the value of self-reflection

I am conducting single-subject research. Historically, examples of self-experimentation occur more often than one realizes. I note, however, that self-experimentation is also a common trait of comic book mad scientists. That is perhaps the subject of another article....

The challenge of running a small mission in Geneva

The role of small missions is very interesting. Their permanent representatives not only have to manage a comprehensive agenda, but must also take charge of administrative tasks. Today we cover the example of Botswana. Why did you join the diplomatic service? I joined...

Dr Mukwege, une vie pour les survivantes de violences sexuelles

A l’occasion de son passage à Genève pour l’inauguration officielle du Fonds mondial pour les Survivantes, le Dr Denis Mukwege, Prix Nobel de la Paix 2018, a accordé une interview unique à UN Today dans laquelle il revient sur son combat pour la dignité des victimes...

Interagency coordination should not be watered down!

In 2006, when the “One UN” initiative was launched with trumpets, I was an enthusiastic cheerleader ready to shout: “UN agencies, unite!.” Working at UNCTAD I was well placed to understand that the universe of development issues is like a puzzle with an infinite...

L’escalade, un sport qui grimpe !

Parmi les activités sportives qui ont le vent en poupe, l’escalade connaît un essor particulièrement important ces dernières années. Aujourd’hui, il est très fréquent de trouver un mur d’escalade dans les centres sportifs scolaires ou une salle privée dans son...

Shine: It is time to change the world

For the past 22 years, Ana de Andrés has worked as a leader in top-notch companies in the private sector (Procter & Gamble and Grupo Danone), in multilateral organizations (World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank) and as a social and organizational...

Is dancing the best medicine?

Like other sports, dance helps to strengthen muscles, improve balance and flexibility, burn calories and improve tissue oxygenation, respiratory capacity and cardiovascular function. Beyond its physical benefits though, its real power is also its ability to connect...

How the Red Cross began

Right in the centre of Geneva, at the Place de Neuve and in the Parc des Bastions, you will find four monuments that reveal the birth and incredible expansion of humanitarian action and law. Bust of Henry Dunant: The charismatic visionary Our journey starts at the...
