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Mobility at the core of UNHCR

It is late November 2022 when the 28-page UNHCR compendium is released: a list of over 400 open positions that kicks off a massive internal reshuffling of colleagues. Employees have been eagerly awaiting the bi-annual directory, carefully put together by a team of...

“We are working in a complex system”

How has your gender impacted your career? It is likely that the answer to this question is shaped by your gender – as it is by your ethnicity, class, and location. If it were up to Gaya Herrington, Vice President of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)...

Chronicles of everyday diplomacy

The suit, the tie, the mic, the earpiece. Every world has its stereotypical attributes, its mythical figures. International Geneva is no exception. Like an impressionist artist, a photographer can focus on fragments which, when put together and looked at from a...

The challenge of change

Simon Sinek’s voice reaches millions of people across the world. Not only is he a bestselling author of 5 books but his TED talk is also one of the most watched talks of all time on with 60 million views. Let’s refer to your bestseller book “Start with Why”....

The highs and lows of mobility

When I left for my first United Nations job at the Department of Economic and Social Affairs in New York, I had no idea where destiny would take me next; I was ready for a life that would involve travelling around the world. That had not been my first job abroad and,...

Placing people at the centre of sustainable development

Over the past 60 years, UNITAR has served as the United Nations’ main training and capacity-building arm. Ever since joining UNITAR in January 2020, I have become accustomed to the perplexed reactions from partners and colleagues alike when they hear that my...

Knowing Azerbaijan – the land of fire, equity, and development!

Excellency, what are the key priorities of Azerbaijan’s mission in this decade, and why are they important for the world? One of the key priority areas for Azerbaijan is developing, digitising, and modernising land, rail, and energy transport routes. Developing our...

Leïla Benkirane, talentueuse actrice de la scène onusienne

Aujourd’hui retraitée, Leïla Benkirane a consacré trente années de sa vie professionnelle à l’ONU, à New York puis à Genève, principalement dans les domaines du droit international et de la gestion. Recrutée en tant que juriste, Leïla a travaillé au Bureau des...

How traditional Chinese medicine helps in tackling COVID

In recent decades, traditional systems of medicine have received increased attention and gained popularity around the globe. According to some estimates, more than 10 million acupuncture treatments are administered annually in the United States. In China, although...
