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Sport for peace, human rights and development

Against the backdrop of the successful “Road to the World Cup 2022” football tournament event of last year, the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations at Geneva, in cooperation with the United Nations Geneva Football Club and the Perception...

La diplomatie: plus qu’un métier, un sacerdoce

Son Excellence Omar Hilale, Représentant permanent du Royaume du Maroc près l’Organisation des Nations Unies à New York, nous parle à cœur ouvert de sa carrière de diplomate de haut vol. Excellence, pourriez-vous nous dire brièvement quel a été votre parcours jusqu’à...

Un thriller signé par le Consul général de France à Genève

Troisième livre de Patrick Lachaussée, Consul général de France à Genève, « Bourama. L’arbre et le sage » est un récit palpitant qui vous entraîne à travers le monde, dans des univers aussi divers, que celui d’un petit village malien, les coulisses de la cellule de...

International Day of Yoga: a day to dive within

Today, yoga needs no introduction. Moreover, its benefits, ranging from physical and mental strength to even the cure of several chronic illnesses, need no explanation too. However, it’s time to understand yoga more deeply — beyond just the practice — as a path to...

The story behind the Palais’s peacocks

The peacocks seem out of place strutting around the grounds of the Palais des Nations in their colorful and feathery regalia. They are quite friendly and often approach visitors with a curious expression from their beady eyes and elongated necks. One may be forgiven...

How does Make-A-Wish work in Switzerland and Liechtenstein?

As adults, when we find ourselves in an extreme health condition where we may not be able to see ourselves going through any more stages, we always appeal to a wish. A wish to be able to go on living, even if only for a little while longer. And when you are a child...

Bienne fait la part belle au bilinguisme

Bienne est un lieu où le français et l’allemand coexistent à parts égales. Les noms de rues et bâtiments publics sont inscrits dans les deux langues. Pratiqué au quotidien, le bilinguisme permet à chacun de s’exprimer dans sa propre langue et de comprendre la langue...

Chovqan the original polo

While modern day polo is one of the most acclaimed and prestigious sports in the world, its origins inspire the relationship between horses and humans present to this day. We may associate polo with aristocracy and the British Empire, but the sport has been around for...
